

校园生活 大学招生

               Coming into college as a transfer student is not always an easy transition. It can be a struggle to acclimate to the new environment, meet new people, and make new friends. Starting at a new school can be very overwhelming and can cause a lot of anxiety. 转入新濠天地app新濠天地app的学生也不例外. They too have anxiety coming in and can feel overwhelmed once they are here.


            转移 students may feel a lot of anxiety because they wonder whether their credits will transfer and if they will have to start over in many of their classes. 蒂莫西·帕克新濠天地app新濠天地app的转学专家 招生 部门, and he says that “it is common for transfer students in the admissions process to ask their counselor how many credits will or will not transfer. This question in some ways can be difficult to answer because it is dependent upon what major they are interested in. So, if a transfer student is not in contact with their college of interest in the beginning of their college search, then it is common for the transfer student to be sometimes surprised at what credits will or will not transfer.他建议学生使用 转移ology because it “is a great tool students can access that will allow them the opportunity to enter in their course on that site and depending on the college or university we might have an equivalent match already for the student.” Many students may feel anxiety about transferring credits to another school, but admissions counselors can be a great resource to help students have a clear understanding of the credit transfer process.

            另一场斗争. Parker identifies is that it can be difficult for transfer students to acclimate to an entirely new campus. He says, “转移ring to another college for some transfer students can take time to adjust to. For some transfer students they might not have planned to transfer. 因此, they are in a new environment thinking about all the new adjustments that are going to happen. 这些调整可能包括结识新朋友, 熟悉校园, 和不同的教授见面.转学需要认识新同学和新教授, 学习校规校规, 还有适应新校园. The best resource for overcoming these struggles is for students to reach out to their admissions counselor and a faculty member within their major. Mr. Parker says that “I have seen firsthand how the 谈话 with the faculty member can be so beneficial to the student.” At 新濠天地app大学 the faculty members are dedicated to providing resources and encouragement for their students, so transfer students should reach out to their admissions counselors and professors for guidance in adjusting to their new environment.

莱西·麦克道尔,24岁 是春季学期转到新濠天地app的学生吗, and she said that she struggled with feeling behind in classes, 学习建筑物名称, 膳食计划细节, 校园规则, and feeling somewhat alienated because everyone already had friend groups. 她甚至怀疑自己的选择是否正确. However, Lexi also mentioned some of the ways that Geneva made her feel welcome. She said that “everyone was so kind and understanding, especially professors and staff. The Learning and Transitions class and group was extremely helpful in getting to know people, 能够提出问题, 了解新濠天地app. It was nice to be invited to game nights and other social events. 新濠天地app给了我一本写着我名字的圣经. I know everyone gets one, but it made me feel special and welcome. Overall, Geneva as a whole was kind, genuinely caring, authentic, and very welcoming. 这让我觉得我做了正确的选择!“莱西的故事令人鼓舞, because many other transfer students are likely experiencing the struggles and anxiety that she felt, 但希望他们能像她一样感到受欢迎.


转移ring from one college to another is not an easy transition, 但有很多人希望看到你成功. 通过与招生顾问和教授的互动, transfer students can gain all the necessary information they need, and also form genuine connections that will ease their transition into a new college. If you are interested in the process of transferring to 新濠天地app大学, the admissions counselors at Geneva would be happy to talk with you and help guide you throughout the entire transfer process and the adjustment to campus.


Mattigan Burleigh, 24岁

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