Ways To Make The Most Out Of Winter Break - 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app

Ways To Make The Most Out Of Winter Break

Picture of Ways To Make The Most Out Of Winter Break
  1. 去外面

Winter is a season full of fun activities for you and your friends and/or family to do. Some fun activities that can create many memories are sledding, 滑冰, 看圣诞彩灯, 堆冰屋或雪人, 滑雪, 骑雪地车, or simply sitting by the fire sipping hot chocolate. These are all things unique to the season and are fun ways to bring some new experiences to your winter break.

  1. 休息

The Fall semester has the potential to distract us from taking care of ourselves. Winter break is an extremely important time to rest and refresh. Taking care of yourself is vital to success in school and finding overall enjoyment in life. Self-care is not just about face masks and laying cucumbers over your eyes. Self-care should be about the deep restoration of your soul. Some self-care activities include reading a book (that is not a textbook!), 听你最喜欢的播客, 看你最喜欢的电影, 去散步, 徒步旅行, 或者做一些体育活动, journaling your thoughts and feelings, 与朋友共度时光, 玩棋盘或纸牌游戏, 翻看圣经, 专注于呼吸, 花时间祷告, 参与你的兴趣爱好, and sleeping a healthy number of hours! 休息 can come in many forms and is different for each person, but everyone needs rest.

  1. 更新简历

Winter break is a perfect time for you to take the time to update your resume for any potential jobs or internships for the Spring. Job searching can be a daunting task. 准备简历, 参考文献, 求职信, and researching businesses you want to be a part of takes a lot of time and effort. 如果你想提高效率, getting a head start on this process can be a great use of your time while on break.

  1. 尝试新事物

Trying something new is fun and is a way to make your winter break exciting. Trying new things in the midst of classes, homework, and a busy schedule can seem impossible. Do you have a list of places you want to go, 你想看的节目, or a new restaurant you want to try? Now is a great time to give it a try!

  1. 花时间和家人在一起

Your family is going to be very excited to have you home for a couple of weeks, so making the most out of your time with them is important and worth doing. 每个人的家庭生活都是不同的, 所以无论是父母, 爷爷奶奶, 兄弟姐妹, 表亲, or friends you will get to see over break, 一定要慢下来, 在场, and truly cherish the time you have with people you do not get to see when you are at school.


——ariel Reece, 23岁

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