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On-Campus Activities for Non-Athletes

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Campus Life

If you are not interested in sports, do not fear! 新濠天地app大学为那些不擅长运动的学生提供了很多机会. 如果你不是运动员,这里有一些校园活动供你参加.

Theater – 新濠天地app的戏剧项目每学期都会演出一部作品. 秋天他们演出音乐剧,春天他们演出话剧. Also in the spring, is the annual student-directed One Acts, which are a series of shorter productions. 如果你喜欢表演、服装设计、编舞或布景设计,那么 theater program might be the right place for you. 戏剧的另一个好处是,你甚至可以通过戏剧项目获得课程学分. 即使你对在剧院表演不感兴趣, 作为观众参加展览总是一种有趣的经历, so keep your eye out for the upcoming shows.

Music Groups – 如果你喜欢唱歌或演奏乐器,你可以加入校园里的几个音乐团体. Between the Genevans choir, the marching band, the flute choir, the jazz band, the symphonic band, Eight Bells, and Grace Notes, 有很多机会让你发挥你的音乐才能. 你也可以通过加入校园音乐团体来获得学分. 通过加入这些团体,你还可以和其他喜欢音乐的人建立友谊. 如果你对演奏乐器感兴趣,请联系 Mark Godwin, the band director. If you are interested in singing, connect with Dr. David Smith, music professor and Genevans director.

Urban Gaming Club – 城市游戏俱乐部(UGC)提供令人兴奋的校园夺旗游戏和Nerf战斗,称为人类vs. Zombies. Join the UGC to help plan and moderate the games, or join the teams to take part in these epic battles. 准备好任何Nerf装备,你可能已经获得,并得到你的游戏面! For more information, check out the UGC Instagram profile.

CSE – The Center for Student Engagement 团队在整个学期举办许多校园活动和活动. 密切关注你可能感兴趣的活动,或者考虑加入其中一个团队. The Diversity Team, Adventure Team, Mosaic Team, Student Activities Team, 和社区团队都是与同学交流的好方法. CSE还负责监督所有的校园俱乐部, 所以试着看看是否有你感兴趣的俱乐部. 如果你没有看到你正在寻找的俱乐部,考虑在CSE的帮助下创建自己的俱乐部. No matter what your interests are, the CSE has something that will appeal to you, so check out all of their opportunities.

Gold Spire Creative – 如果你对学习数字媒体感兴趣,可以看看这个俱乐部. Gold Spire Creative为学生提供了一个机会,让他们从同龄人那里学习媒体制作,并完成为校园社区服务的项目. Whether you are interested in filming, video editing, photography, social media, or all of the above, Gold Spire can be an exciting creative outlet.

Student Government – 你想为你的同学创造独特的体验,并为学生群体整体发声吗? Then student government might be right for you. By running for student government, 你将有机会在学年的各种活动中领导和服务你的同学. 了解现在的学生会领导班子,看看他们在过去的一年里都做了些什么, check out their Instagram page.

The Creative Process – 如果你喜欢艺术表达,那么你一定会想在创作过程中停下来. Twice a week, counselor Toby Shope, leads an hour of creation and conversation. 创造过程不仅为创造力提供了一个出口, 但它也在繁忙的日程安排中提供了一个宁静的空间. 无论你的艺术能力如何,这个空间都欢迎你.

Upper Room – With Upper Room,你的星期四晚上就可以充满敬拜和团契. 上室是一个以学生为主导的团体,致力于提供一个精神成长和社区崇拜的空间. 除了特别活动外,他们全年都有定期会议. 如果你正在寻找志同道合的基督徒和一个忠诚的环境, then Upper Room is certainly the place for you.


Geneva is a welcoming place for people of all interests. If you are not an athlete, do not worry, 因为校园里有很多你可能会感兴趣的机会. 留意那些符合你喜好的活动和团体. Whether you are interested in art, music, leadership, theater, nerf guns, hiking, or any other activity, 新濠天地app可能会有吸引你的活动或团队. I can promise that if you come here, you will not be bored, 所以开始考虑你想参加的活动和团体!

Mattigan Burleigh ‘24

新濠天地app博客中表达的观点是其作者的观点,并不一定代表新濠天地app的观点或官方立场. 新濠天地app博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, academic insights, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

May 29, 2024

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